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Articulation/speech production

This treatment focuses on HOW we say what we say. Whether its a coordination or oral motor issue, we can help! Even if you are unsure, Think Say Move can help. Just a quick call to schedule an evaluation and we can set you up with a treatment plan that is right for you and your child.


Feeding and swallowing

Feeding and swallowing therapy encompasses many aspects of how and what we are able to eat. If your child is on a limited/restricted diet due to medical reasons or is a “picky eater,” we are here to help them reach their potential and enjoy their desired foods. At Think Say Move, we are here to make meal times enjoyable and inclusive for the whole family.


Children like to yell, and that’s a fact (I’m sure it’s in an academic journal somewhere). Sometimes, the yelling can lead to voice disorders. Voice therapy can help your child use strategies to help regulate their voice to avoid vocal abuse. Some children develop structures within the vocal cords such as polyps or nodules that prevent adequate vocal cord vibration. Often times these structures are removed and voice therapy is utilized to strengthen the vocal cords to support voice production.

Upper body/core strengthening

When children are having difficulty with day-to-day tasks such as handwriting, coloring, and dressing, this could be a result of inadequate upper body or core strength. School and learning can be challenging enough for our kiddos, we don’t want more stress added due to difficulties with handwriting, coloring, and cutting! Occupational therapy can address these skills to support your child to meet their maximum potential in and out of school.

Fine Motor

expressive and receptive language

This treatment focuses on WHAT we say and WHAT we understand. Whether you feel your child isn’t able to express themselves at an age appropriate level (including pre-language skills) or unable to understand or follow age appropriate information, we can work on skills and strategies to help make your child successful in the classroom and throughout their world.

executive functioning

Executive functions are skills we use day to day that help us manage our responsibilities. These skills include; time management, planning, flexible thinking, attention, self-monitoring, and working memory. Without these skills, school and work can be challenging, but we can give your child the skills and strategies to be successful.


When children or adults struggle because they stutter, it can impact more than just their speech. Talking to others including the child's friends or teachers can be hard, stressful, and frustrating. Speech therapy can improve their fluency and communicating attitudes to give them the confidence they need to effectively communicate in their environments.

Developmental delays

The question of, “is your child is meeting all of the milestones?” can be stressful as a parent or caregiver. Whether or not your child has been given a diagnosis, we have the skills and supports you need to help your child from infancy to adolescents. Our occupational therapist can determine if difficulties are due to coordination, sensory processing, or visual perception. They then create a treatment plan specific to your child. Integrating reflexes, play skills, an/or strengthening can provide the assistance your child needs to grow and learn.